Tuesday, September 12, 2006

New Friends

It's been a long time since I post my last story, I know it's sound too klise, but I do quiet busy, with endless drawing, guest staying over, and having a new bunch of crazy beautiful friends...
And many other reasons, like I left my laptop behind at my sisters place in Jakarta (thought I will have it back in 2 days time..*idiot), and bla bla bla...too many to mention.
Anyway, since I just got my new digital camera (finally), there is no reason not to post and sharing it with you.

Above picture was taken today, when we had our lunch at resto Surabaya, Lucky Plaza. For some of you who have not try it yet, might wanna consider. It's at 2nd level. Very affordable, I paid $6.80 for plate of steam rice, Empal came with 'lalap-an' (3 'big' pieces, meat was so tender), Emping, and a bottle of Teh Botol Sosro for my thirst.... boy... it was good. For sure "I'll be back"!(*arnold style). I should get 50% discount by promoting this, hope he read it.

Those ladies on picture below, 4 of them are married to 'Ang Moh' chinese for Expat/Foreigners. And we are member of KPC Melati (Komunitas Perkawinan Campur Melalui Tangan Ibu). Since i'm the longest who staying in this tiny island, so I got a new title as " Ibu RT"(*rolling eyes).

But I have to tell you, It is nice to have new hang~out friends as most of them are incredible cook, and for me it is totally a learning point somehow as you guys should know I can't differentiate between "lengkuas" and " laos" (is it the same??) there I say it..so lucky me! Never say no to meal invitation.

So enough for today. It's been a long day today, will update you guys soon. With more appealing stories and pictures.

Until then...good nite everyone.


At 2:50 am, Blogger Wati said...

Nice to have you back Thea... how's the apartment in Jakarta? :D


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